Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Advent... meet

Kindness and truth shall meet;
Justice and peace shall kiss.
Truth shall spring out of the earth,
And justice shall look down from heaven.

The Lord himself will give what is good
and our land will yield its harvest.

Justice shall walk before him,
And salvation, along the way of his steps.

– Psalm 85.10-13

Tonight our house church met. Dan led us through a reflective liturgy, which included sharing communion together.

I was struck by this passage in Ps 85… stirred by this picture of the meeting, the melding, the fusion of things…

Kindness and truth.
Justice and peace.

Jesus seems to be where...

Eternity encounters the time-bound.
Spirit meets flesh and blood.

Royalty touches poverty.
Power embraces weakness.
Authority hugs obedience.

The Lord’s Supper celebrates close proximity and invites others to join in.

Advent is about surprise meetings and up-close encounters. It’s about us being touched by the God of the universe who seems to say in an up-close tone, “I’m glad to meet you.”


At Fri Dec 16, 01:00:00 AM EST, Blogger william said...


i've been thinking that amongst all of this advent celebrating i am glad that i serve a god who never tires of things like advent that to some might seem like old habit but to the creator of all things is just as exciting as ever.

thanks for reminding me that our worshipping traditions never lose their place in the heart of god.



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