Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Leave Left...

I got this “promo” in an email today.

Can someone please explain to me how this helps the Christian cause? Is this what we want our friends to hear as the essence of the Gospel… “Believe in Jesus so you won’t go to hell or be left behind with all the bad people?”

Is this salvation?
Is this love for God?
Is this helping us live well in the world which God calls "good?"

Can someone explain to me why I should be excited about this? I'm all ears.


At Sat Aug 06, 03:20:00 PM EST, Blogger Jason Mitchell said...

You should get behind it for no other reason than the incredible, academy award winning performance of Dork... I mean Kirk Cameron.


At Thu Aug 18, 01:10:00 AM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You ought to get excited about it because it gives "has beens" like Kirk Cameron of "Growing Pains", and Louis Gosset, Jr. of "Iron Eagle" a freakin' job.

As for the cause of Christ, it does absolutely nothing other than scare people into the "sinner's prayer", and a life of hyper morality ( steering clear of anything in this world that brings enjoyment or pleasure, because this world is bad, very bad.)



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