Thursday, November 10, 2005

loving and seeing...

We had the privilege of hosting Stuart Briscoe at GRTS yesterday. He spoke in chapel, met with some of our Residency Mentors, and taught the homiletics class. The students loved him.

Stuart is an important person in my life as I grew up at Elmbrook Church, under his teaching, and had the privilege of leading the high school ministry there. Stuart used to tell us, “Don’t’ take yourself too seriously, but take your ministry very seriously.” That’s been good advice for me (as I probably take myself too seriously), and I’ve seen Stuart live this out as he passionately and joyfully serves all over the world.

Yesterday, in GRTS's Chapel, Stuart spoke from Ephesians 1. Verses 15ff say that the Ephesian believers were a community that had faith in Christ and love for the saints. It got me thinking that it's common, these days, to hear about the “love” part, but I wonder if we miss the “faith” part.

Love is possible because God has made it possible. Love is accessible because God is present. Love is ultimately expressed when we take risks in relationships… and step into the realm of faith with each other.

We have faith that…
God is making things new.
God is changing me.
God is changing you.

I wonder what would happen if we looked at people and our world more in light of how God intends people and things to be rather than judge them in their current state? Is this not a more accurate perspective? I think this needs to be the ethos of the gathered, Christian community.

I think our own picture of Jesus will be most evident by the way we love each other AND hope for each other (faith). Therefore, Jesus’ body (his tangible expression, the church) must pursue and express, “I love you no matter what,” AND ALSO “I see you for who you are created to be.”

This is loving and seeing.
This is the church.
This is the message that I think many in our communities need to hear.

And, honestly, it’s one I need to hear.


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